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. relationresultHepaddled boats ,Luo Bendao forward towards the .relationresultNot onlyis he a ,to Luo Bendao people ,there are many ,although the vast majority of people he doesn ,but the one thing he can see ,that is to the people of this place ,all is no ordinary people .
relationresultJustfell into the sea and that of a man and a woman ,not too old, but they can fly ,this shows ,their series at least was bucket st. .relationresultBucketSt ?Where are they ?relationresultDragonheart of doubt ,he looked back only to find ,red cracks cannot open ,keep off ,at the entrance there are still many people who were led in the red girl .
relationresultOf those,at least half of the fly on the island, the results need not say oneself ,come and previously and that a male and a female end up like clothes ,burst ,fall in the island .
relationresultStrangeplace ,a lot of bucket of st. ... ... , relationresultDragonheart secretly shocked .relationresultHe understoodthe Dragon continent on the bucket holy number ,very few very few ,more famous ,like the undead bucket holy ,holy void bucket ,the bucket St.
,three Empire ,all fighting holy quantities together ,I not to twenty .relationresultWhen the mainlandhas appeared on so many fights saint ?relationresultAfter abouthalf a day ,fly to the island .
relationresultLong Fei ,what are you doing here? , relationresultLongfeileft under the boat ,saw two acquaintances ,disappeared for a long time the undead bucket saint ,party and party only .
relationresultDragonboat when, they two are wandering on a beach ,seeing him off ,recognized him immediately .relationresultTwo die fighting saint ,how do you have here ? , relationresultAndthey also surprised longfei .
relationresultOnce every fifty years, holy gathering bucket ,we certainly will not miss ... ... Wait! Said half laughing ,suddenly shouted ,pointing to the Long Fei said: are he invited ,you have been promoted fights Saint ? , relationresultAlthough did not understandparty and said main who is ,but is still a nod .
relationresultHe didpromotion Doo San .relationresultFangXiao eyes suddenly straight : monster ,monster ,no wonder he always say you are monsters ,less than twenty years old, promotion Doo San ,monster ,monster .
.. ... , relationresultLongfeispeechless ,but he didn want to be in this area and to said ,because he is now not only the ordinary bucket saint ,he has been successfully advanced to the four stage ,promoted as the battle of Saint , relationresultFangYao a face smiling ,nod .
relationresultHey ,did not expect even you have come . , relationresultAt this moment,Longfei heard a gloomy sound ,a look back ,his face suddenly sank .relationresultTwo men were standingbehind him ,a handsome youth ,it is Su Yi ,another white hair and beard old man than others ,but the empty bucket of st.
.relationresultThis is how twois it ?relationresultLittle friend ,last time ,I have that clear ,whatever you do, exactly is a small woman was nonsense ,I here for you Peili . , relationresultTheempty bucket saint is true ,should bow down to Longfei ,made a deep courtesy .
relationresultHeLongfei ,helpless shakes his head .relationresultIf previously,he is able to accept this old man apology ,but now ,it is not necessary .relationresultHisimpulse ,the cloud of incense to * * ,now his father gave his apology ,although the inside of the case is complex ,but still .
.. ... A bit strange .relationresultGo ,let there . , relationresultFangYao pulled up Longfei hand ,went to a rock .relationresultWhenI see Bendao Longfei ,at the beach ,there are countless people around .
relationresulttread ,they are fighting saint ,accurately, that are eligible to be invited person to reach the island ,without exception ,the difference is the Holy Level bucket . , relationresultFangYao side pulling Longfei ,side gave him a lecture .
relationresultLongfeithoroughly thrilled ,Luo Bendao on how many people he is not clear ,but his eyes can see, no one hundred also has two hundred people ,a rough estimate ,if to the island who are fighting the holy word ,the bucket holy number at about five hundred .
relationresultThis... ... You don , relationresultMore than 500bucket St ?relationresultIhave never heard of ?relationresultDragon world population of thirty billion ,fighting saint in quantities of one thousand number ,you also feel very strange ? See the Dragon God, Fang Yao could not help but gently pinched his palm .
relationresultFangYao and slippery tender ,if not Longfei know her age, she is the eighteen girl ,I have believed .relationresultMaintainwoman ,really terrible ... ... , relationresultLongfeiyiped ,recover the heart make blind and disorderly conjectures ,and nodded his head .
relationresultA little weird, dragon continent on the bucket holy series ,has been so much ,but they differ from us ,they like and keep a low profile, and we ,like the limelight . , relationresultFangYao to loosen Longfei hand ,sat on a raised ledge .
relationresultLongfeiscrutinized square Yao several eyes ,suddenly found her and her former appearance does not seem to be the same ,just ... ... Where exactly is different, he can a time .
relationresultStructuredwith a sigh: is this your first time to ,but my brother and I ,father ,has come to more than 100 times . , relationresultLongfeicould not help but ask: more than 100 times ?What is this place? He it is who ? , relationresultHere is Bendao Luo ,also called God Island ,he who is .
.. ... Fang Yao eyes confused ,shook his head : I come so many times, have not seen the island side . , relationresultWhy are you here? It is the main force ? , relationresultNot persecute ,volunteered to .
, relationresultNo otherLongfei finish, Fang Yao has to start, interrupted him ,saying: every to Luo Bendao people ,will receive a pill ,pill can make the heart increase, increase life element .
, relationresultLongfeisuddenly : you came all the way to the heart pills ? , relationresultA lot of people it is, but we ... ... Fang Yao looked back and side ,said: is another destination .
, relationresultWhat purpose ? , relationresultBoth of them ? , relationresultStructurednodded : Luo Bendao ,has the ability to make incomplete soul success into the realm of god . , relationresultAfter hearing thesquare Yao ,Longfei brain is a confused .
relationresultThe firstis a large bucket st out ,then both of them ,if he did not faint, is strange .relationresultSo,I didn to what pills and both of them ,but for the black hammer and Lan Na .
relationresultThe thought ofthis ,Longfei look around ,looking for the sake of looking for a man .relationresultFangYao said: without the host allow ,everybody cannot enter into the centre of the island ,so we will in this beach in circle .
, relationresultA group ofholy ,let a bucket ,bucket Saint outside circling, and not let them in ,it seems that what he ... ... It is not the average person .relationresultCan not findtraces of black hammer ,Longfei asked: you said to have incomplete soul that not be promoted both of them ?How is it now .
.. ,beats by dre australia... , relationresultFangYao : rely on the personal practice, never promoted both of them ,but if by other forces ,can achieve this point . , relationresultSu pearl ,into the island ! , relationresultAt that moment,a voice suddenly roar ,let those walking on the beach bucket Shengmen stopped .
relationresultLongfeislightly started ,a wandering eye ,soon found the familiar white shadow .relationresultSu Qinglan,Sue pearl !relationresultSu Mingzhu lightshift limbo, went to the island center . Related articles:

