
beats by dre solo rst is the door

His relationship with Bai Suzhen ,but it is not expected that Xu you was so excited ,quickly stepped forward to help him up .relationresultXu youat heart extremely excited, from his first saw Bai Suzhen when Bai Suzhen is being attracted ,at that time did not know why there is this feeling ,he practiced for thousands of years in the heart is very calm ,however in to see Bai Suzhen after it is no longer happen ,didn it what is going on ,but now recovered memories of past lives ,finally let Xu you understand ,and to help him wake up memories of a past life hole jade ,Xu you the nature in the heart is very grateful to .
relationresultKong Yuto Xu you nodded ,said nothing ,then went to the side ,and Lu Ping they are wrong ,will be there for Bai Suzhen and Xu you two .Bai Suzhen now knows Xu you Xu Xian reincarnation of body ,Xu you attitude to nature is changed turn the world upside down changes ,exciting stepped forward ,a tearful to Xu you shouted happy ,but is also excited to Xu you and Bai Suzhen shouted Lady ,then two people then is together ,though not too much, but that kind of love between two people ,it is haunted .
relationresultLu Pingas Kong Yu came to the side ,then Lu Ping is dragged a little fox came to Kong Yu face, a face flattering to Kong Yu and said , master, I first disciple ah ,you see is it right? Give me and little fox two wake-up memories of past lives ,we have a look two people lives on ,is it right? .
, relationresultLook atLu Ping face a wretched appearance ,a small fox immediately shook Lu Ping ,to dodge aside ,and release of tiger ,Qin Shaoyou they also to Lu Ping a look down ,and Kong Yu heard Lu Ping, touched the nose ,said to Lu Ping , are you sure you want to wake up memories of past lives ?If your past is a person how to do ah ? , relationresultKong Yu said thatnature is in make fun of Lu Ping for the people ,this world ,then lives naturally not heinous .
Although he is now ancestor disciple ,future world sage ,but lupin they place themselves as previously treated ,which makes his heart is comfort ,so occasionally jokes, after all, although they are hundreds of years old ,but the mental age is young people ,not the kind lose one .
relationresultLu Ping listened tothe words of Kong Yu immediately after it is opened his eyes wide ,want, seems to think that Kong Yu said is reasonable ,if his life is really a heinous, so let everybody see faint memories of past lives ,not his impression is not good ,so he Shan Shan said , Oh ,forget it .
, relationresultListen tothe words of Lu Ping ,everyone else is laughing ,but Kong Yu thought about his exit will do, is embarrassed ,he wanted to find the innate five row spirit root in the soil line spirit root Huang Li ,but the Yellow Li is is no one knows ,Kong Yu is not know where to find this place so ,face vast, even with Kong Yu prowess, want to search over all ,is a difficult thing .
relationresultButin order to sanctification ,in order to be able to resurrect on infants ,Tang goblin son two person ,even if is again how difficult things ,Kong Yu is going to do ,then explain the Lu Ping their intentions to practice ,is to leave him in the north are Luchou Dojo, toward to fairyland South fly away .
relationresultNorth clubLuchou Dojo has twelve rods each day mumbo jumbo as consisting of all gods very large array protection ,Lu Ping their safety nature do not have to worry about ,and the twelve rod is connected with Kong Yuxin day mumbo jumbo as God ,if attacked, hole jade immediately to know ,it is able to come back ,but also do not need to worry about anything .
relationresultAndall the North Luchou the Shaqi had been all day mumbo jumbo Pennant absorption clean ,even though the world five lines of strength is not much ,beats by dre solo,but as time goes on ,the North club Luchou must also be the same as other three Delta ,let Lu Ping here they try ,Kong Yu also to go looking for Huang Zhongli .
relationresultKong Yuand not Shi Zhanzu Wu Dijiang magic forward flight, but slowly forward flight ,because the ancestor witch Dihong supernatural powers of flight, speed is too fast ,Kong Yu is unable to feel Huang Zhongli so they can only slowly in flight ,of course ,hole jade slowly in flight ,others have it is very fast .
relationresultNorth clubLuchou nature is not Huang Zhongli ,with the former North club Luchou environment ,Huang Zhongli is not possible in the north are Luchou exist, but Kong Yu is afraid of a case ,so is also a careful search again, in did not find any clues to who is bound to the south .
Kong Yu has no purpose ,just forward flight .relationresultBecause ofall the North Lu delta evil spirit and by paying derived from the monster is all the day mumbo jumbo streamers to swallow ,so the demons ridge prohibitions have no use ,and those stationed here each faction disciple are left among the ridge ,sent back to their respective .
Kong Yu crosses the demons ridge is entered Dongsheng God Chau territory .relationresultIn Kong Yumind is like the Dongsheng God Chau may not have Huang Zhongli ,is not only the Dongsheng God Chau ,and West cattle Hezhou as well ,because the Dongsheng God Chau is door world ,while West cattle Hezhou are Buddhist master ,in such circumstances ,if the Yellow Lee in the two continents ,so sure first is the door ,Buddhism to find ,what may be waiting for Kong Yu to find it .
relationresultThink it over and over again,Kong Yu felt only in Buddhism ,which are still in contention for the southern continent could find the whereabouts of Huang Zhongli ,after all, in the southern continent ,due to Buddhism ,door to contend with, so was not completely control, it still has some chances to find Huang Zhongli .
relationresultOf course,Kong Yu also won abandon in Dongsheng God Chau looking for Huang Zhongli ,but as Kong Yu expected ,in Dongsheng China search times is not Huang Zhongli ,so Kong Yu went towards southern continent direction fly away .
relationresultIn the process Kong Yualso use the innate nosy Mitac reckoning many times ,the final result is displayed on the southern continent can find the whereabouts of Huang Zhongli .relationresult , relationresultThe 508th chapter southern continent ( below) , relationresultTothe fairyland delta are vast, Dongsheng God Chau is the four big delta the most broad ,Kong Yu in Dongsheng China search for nearly a year, in still did not find the whereabouts of Huang Zhongli ,it was only to the southern continent fly away .
Of course ,this time of a year is not wasted, Kong Yu in the process of seeing the Dongsheng God Chau each country local customs and practices ,experiencing human attitudes ,the mood is becoming mature ,also be some harvest .
relationresultKong Yu has beento south to fairyland in flight ,did not know is long distance flight from Dongsheng Island ,finally entered the southern continent of china .Although the whole realm of climate is very pleasant, but this southern continent climate obviously than Dongsheng island is much higher .
But the climate change was to have little impact on Kong Yu ,Kong Yu also began careful search Huang Zhongli whereabouts .relationresultAlong the wayKong Yu did not deliberately hide their breath ,because in this fairy is not peace reigns over the land.
The ,is often there will be some fighting occurred .But because Kong Yu did not hide their breath ,in his exudes a huge power fluctuation ,nature is not someone will idea hit Kong Yu . Related articles:

