
cheap beats by dr dre ly decelerates down

Led a small river, before 2 people have already arrived at one woods.
At this time, cloud's soaring is also one face of dignified, way:"The little devil in a short while gets into Linnei, caution some."
Although just cloud soars still while opening with little devil,truely getting into to this woods, cloud soars the gist that can't have the slightest.Two a life time behavior of he is to very clearly, among this woods absolutely have some dangers that can not anticipate to exist.
"Stop worrying!Eldest brother, I will notice!"
The little devil is also dark to living touched, oneself this eldest brother although real strenght not Zha drop, however, indeed as expected is still quite good to oneself.
Follow that light sandalwood flavor son, cloud soared to arrive at with little devil very carefully a there is some y īs in the ray n dark megalith not distance.
"H'm!Eldest brother, that thing right there!"
2 people stop descend step, but the little devil is to point to a megalith the way is under.
"Indeed as expected is one meter red sandalwood!"
Cloud soars a surprise way.
But see a megalith under, one stub 90 cm or so"small tree" sway aweather.That body is deeply purple, at this y ī n dark ray under, seem to be still to send forth one silk purple light.
Cloud soared to deeply absorb tone, a heavy sandalwood immediately came into nostrils since then, the Qin person's the bottom of one's heart!In this time, cloud soars to unexpectedly feel to seem own j unclearly the ī ng amount of divine power also increased to rise just some little.
One meter red sandalwood!
In addition to its Gao however in addition to one meter, its is since of another of the reason would be, body purple s è, and can send forth a heavy sandalwood flavor of son.Don't mean that the outward appearance of this o material of y à is similar to red sandalwood.
"H'm?Little devil, a bit not in the right!"
Cloud soared to seem to thought of what, suddenly say.
"How?Eldest brother?"
The little devil also becomes overdo, the Yi hu asking of ò way.
"According to reason, should have some strong evil monsters to guard on all sides at the this kind of day of material ground y à o be?But, why, did I just feel one breathing existence of evil monster of turning over, but having never felt?"
Cloud soared to quickly sweep to see one eye toward four shots, the Yi hu ò way.
"Ha ha, eldest brother, I still think you are happy Be getting more overdo!Who tell you to have no evil monster to exist?"
The little devil says with smile.
"Is there evil monster?"
Cloud's soaring is also to get a shock, the whole body not from must draw tight.
"Eldest brother, you so the strain isn't very good.That evil monster now but still is sleeping, as long as we stand away that stub one meter red sandalwood, that thing basically can't have any reaction."
The impish eyelid turned over to turn over and had some helplessly say.
"?That you say, that guy is where actually?Again is what evil monster?"
Cloud soars to ask a way.
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Chapter 226 purple wreath Long She Shou
"Hiss ……"
The impish mysterious Xi Xi stretches out right hand index finger and pointed to point an underground.
"If the eldest brother, you can small voice order, although that guy be placed in depth sleep now in, however, voice if is too big, still meeting will it noisy come to."
"The little devil don't be getting more sissy, what is that thing ?Several rank evil monster?"
Cloud soars also some worried.
"Is all right!That is a purple wreath Long She Shou, have Long Zu the blood relationship, although impurity, also calculate up is a Jiao Jiao within second Long Zu!If I didn't respond false of words, eldest brother, congratulate you!Hit the jackpot, that was a seven rank evil monster!Hey Hey!"
The impish hands encircle xi ō before the ng, bad say with smile.
"Seven ranks?How may?Here also only return calculate in the outer circle of second floor district, can appear five rank the evil monster have already been regarded as very strong, how may appear seven ranks?Seven rank is the evil monster it the core district that only would appear?"
Cloud soars the Yi hu ò way.
"Eldest brother, who tell you the second floor district and then can't appear seven rank evil monsters?The seeing you is usually still pretty intelligent, how respond now was the muff so?Couldn't be strain too?That's right.Generally say come, second floor district is with medium class evil monster is lord, but occasionally is also have seven ranks the evil monster appears of ah, expire eight ranks nine rank the evil monster all probably come out the You d à ng a turn over."
Seldom there is this stroke opportunity, how can the little devil allow to pass?
"Nervous fart!"
Cloud soars an unbearable|explode thick speech, direct toward little devil of back part of skull a recorded to explode Su to jilt pass by.
In fact, strain is have so at 1:00, after arriving at this world, cloud soared to once see of evil monster most strongly also tight however six ranks just, but unexpectedly want to face seven a rank now evil monster, that is the equal to saint to believe in Class of strong, even if cloud soars of the mental character is super strong, but in this time, how much still have allow of nervous.
"Do not useless talk, come out that guy n ò ng, Lao Tze pours to and see, it exactly have much strong!Purple wreath Long She Shou?Hum!To, little devil, my green dragon 18 Shans woulding be is good at the speed, I am so blunt in the past, direct that stub one meter red sandalwood income silver paradise dragon inside, estimate that guy absolutely reaction however?"
"Eldest brother, your green dragon 18 Shan speeds are quick, but this purple wreath Long She Shou is good at the speed, isn't that I fight you, its speed but want to be more quickly many than you!I estimate you as long as step into be apart from it inside the scope of five meters, have to be bombed out by it."
Impish explanation way.
In fact, with the highly respectable identity of impish gold saint dragon, the generally evil monster is all smelling its breathing absolutely don't dare to close to come over, only, before getting into this death forest second floor district, cloud soars then ji ā o treat, unless run into the strongest evil monster, otherwise, the little devil has to refrain from rash action the breathing of the oneself, so just can attain to try to do of purpose.
Just think, if all the way one little devil explode the breathing of the oneself, if the l ù comes out, once those evil monsters felt impish breathing and have already run from afar, cloud soars to return how to beat to accompany to do of?
"I didn't believe, the letter saw!"
Finish saying, cloud soars body up fiercely break out strong breathing, the body form is one exhibition, change into together 18 cripple shadow differences blunt toward that megalith direction pass by,cheap beats by dr dre!
"Hum, even if that purple wreath speed of Long She Shou is quicker than Lao Tze, but it isn't only a , I pour to and see, he how come to attackstone me these 18 cripple shadows!"
Cloud soars to wonder in the heart.
Just, when cloud soars of 18 cripple shadow respectively scope near that megalith ten meters, cloud soars to suddenly feel, oneself the whole body form suddenly!The speed unexpectedly and consumedly decelerates down, 18 cripple shadows then and directly return to shrink in this a moment cloud soars of inside the body, again change into one person.
"How can and so?"
Cloud soars to get a shock, this circumstance he always has never met.At this time, he feel his own step as if heavy 1000 catties, exceeds to all exceed not to open, basically don't lift to hurtle to that megalith under.
In this time, the shadow of together purple s è has already come out from the underground, sh è to cloud soar.
Cloud soars to basically and too late respond, then drive mercilessly the ch ō u flew to go out and heavily fell off at little devil of nearby.
"Hey Hey, eldest brother, I once said of right!You basically have no the scope that the way closes to ten meters in!"
Some impish ill - wishers say.
"Depend, you this guy seek a dozen is be not!"
Cloud soars to bite and stood hard and stared a cold stare toward the little devil past.Just and so one ch ō u, if not that residing after Long Xiang for his body this period of time inside of work properly spring to soak, the physical endowment got to biggest promote of words, estimate so for a while, the frameworks of his whole body must spread.
"Little devil, why just I a get into to those ten meters scopes of time, the speed suddenly becomes slow, imitate a Buddha there of did the gravity suddenly promote the last hundredfold?Almost have never pressed my framework to spread."
Cloud's soaring basically don't see the have already appeared by the side of one meter red sandalwood of purple wreath Long She Shou, and toward the impish question way.
"That is purple wreath Long She Shou's natural endowments technical ability-gravity Shu.Purple wreath Long She Shou belongs to soil to belong to x ì ng evil monster, with ground dragon mutually and about, but, the grade wants compare general ground of Long Gao ascend many, the reason would be this gravity Shu!"
Impish explanation way.
"Gravity Shu?N ǎ i of, indeed as expected miraculous, no wonder that Lao Tze how just feel that is the whole body's imitating a Buddha pressed by Tashan, the feet all exceed not to open."
Cloud soars light Cui a , this just turns round to hope toward that purple wreath Long She Shou.
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