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Saint ,so Kong Yucai decides to will in any case is second hole jade left .relationresultThe ancestor witchDihong supernatural powers and ,through the space power clock is Kong Yu instant play out ,toward the second hole jade go after him ,however, because Kong Yu hesitated for a moment ,making the second hole jade has escaped into the dark world ,Kong Yu saw this situation ,can only be dived into the there is the endless dark world .
relationresultHowever,when Kong Yu enters the dark world of instant ,Kong Yu is feeling the strands of huge coercion moment is enveloped oneself ,let pore jade suddenly is a perception of dyspnea,cheap beats by dr dre, spirit club fibrillation !relationresult , relationresultThe 582nd chapter the sage war ( two) , relationresultIn order to be able to besecond hole jade thoroughly execute, Kong Yu broke into the dark world ,however just before he entered the dark world at that moment ,a huge coercion is hung over toward him ,making Kong Yu around the space immediately was bound to live ,let pore jade the sensation of dyspnea ,huge pressure is to let Kong Yu spirit club fibrillation .
relationresultWhilefeeling that Kong Yu only in the world of saints who felt that once ,that is to say that he is now facing the world sage realm enemies ,but even so ,Kong Yu did not flinch ,to understand five power of the world in the process, Kong Yu has a face of heaven and earth to saints, this time now although up the hearts of billows ,but Kong Yu did not panic, in vivo mana mad gushing ,roar out ,suddenly is free ,back .
relationresultJustas Kong Yu back to back, a light emitting black ,like a huge curtain toward the hole thing Jade rolls over, all of a sudden, Kong Yu felt a huge attraction from the black curtain to upload ,makes Kong Yudong plays not ,is seeing to be the the curtain to roll by ,this time a strong crisis from Kong Yu heart out ,makes Kong Yu they grow cold .
relationresultKong Yuknew that this time he would be planted ,known world saints here waiting for him ,even if some guts ,and Kong Yu is not coming, but now all have been too late ,Kong Yu looked at the volume to his huge black screen, with all forces are unable to break the Kong Yu hopelessness the closed his eyes ,waiting for the moment of death .
relationresultHowever,at this time ,a golden light from behind Kong Yu ,saw a golden flash was appeared in front of Kong Yu ,then turned into a huge Jinqiao ,in the Jinqiao below the water ,Huo Feng crazy beats ,endless chaos breath emanating from Jinqiao far above ,edge strength will Kong Yu give covered up ,but this time, the great black curtain also landed in Jinqiao .
relationresultRumblingsound noise came from the Jinqiao ,large power and large black screen to send out, even by Jinqiao power to protect Kong Yu been affected ,the viscera is like the hammer as brew storms on rivers and seas ,a hard, a stream of blood from Kong Yu mouth ,while the surrounding space is more in such impact under constant annihilation ,become extremely mess up .
relationresultKong Yudidn that there will be such a thing ,a look back is Sanqingshan ,Zhuntidaoren ,LED road and Nu Wa empress six world saint in his behind, and that Jinqiao is the Taiji picture of me .
See six holes appear ,jade was finally relieved ,know their crisis is finally lifted ,there are six of them came to ,the Diablo world world of saints is not likely to be how .relationresultItook the other world sage came to Kong Yu ,with a wave of his hand ,suddenly the confusion world is become quiet down ,restore the original appearance ,and I also will that a Jinqiao away ,saw the Jinqiao into the Taiji diagram back to me hands ,then disappear see, while the opposite is also a great black curtain flew home .
relationresultWhile in the opposite side of thedark world is also appeared in the six person ,Kong Yu in their body is feeling the world sage realm breath ,know these six were opposite the Diablo world world of saints ,and the second hole Yuzheng is standing in these six behind, it was angry at hole jade ,red eyes full of hate ,plus the general bloodshed appearance, appears to be extremely ferocious horror .
relationresultKong Yuon hole second jade eyes without any care ,just look calm stood beside me and others ,although this time not to execute second hole jade ,but to be able to do this step ,Kong Yu is already very satisfactory ,made Kong Yu confidence has improved greatly ,he believed whatever will be will be ,second hole jade will grow up to what extent ,the final victory will belong to him .
relationresultThedark world six world of saints ,the head was second holes into the dark world of jade first encountered the day ,when his hands there is a small piece of cloth ,as black as ink ,not surprising places ,but this is the most powerful one world congenital Lingbao ,called the dark sky, even the world of saints were the dark sky roll ,want to get out of it is not possible .
relationresultIf it were not forthe Taiji diagram resistance ,if Kong Yu was the dark sky to roll ,then in the blink of an eye spirit all die .At this time with a dark sky without day ,looked at me and said , your central world who dares to trespassing our dark world ,it is thought that we didn ? No day is full of chill ,makes Kong Yu after listening, the whole body is a trembling ,feel the back are cool .
relationresultIheard no days, smiled ,then the opposite without the day said , how is that ?Have the right stuff ,you will sell well . It is a surprise that Kong Yu was ,he could not imagine is always looks the I stand aloof from worldly success was having such a temper ,a word is to let opposite free days anger suddenly lit up .
relationresultHa ha ,good ,you can not think of the people in the world still such that As such ,that is ,do not blame us dark world people rude ,today let you have a look our dark world people .
Without days listening to me then angrily said ,at the same time within the body of the Pang * * force is also violent erupted, spreading out to .relationresultAt that moment,Kong Yu feel like a leaf duckweed in a vast expanse of water like that from the day ,radiates mana is like a monstrous waves, slapping him, making him feel is always possible in this collapse as a vast expanse of water .
relationresultAnd thatI brandish ,sleeves ,suddenly Kong Yu is restored to normal ,from the day that radiates the Pang fire has been I a is not the least trace was found. The disappeared under .
See such case ,Kong Yu was very shocked ,although two people did not begin to fight, but only by such means ,is that for a hole Yuji admire .relationresultKong Yu wasexcited ,didn is fortunate enough to see world of saints between fights !relationresult , relationresultThe 583rd chapter the sage war ( three) , relationresultAlthough Kong Yu isin understanding five world force when a face world of saints ,but are again and again by the five line in the world to the world of saints at a draught seckill ,is not simply a heaven and earth, sage real fights, so that I could see day sage between fights ,nature is make hole Yuji for excitement ,his hands tightly ,looking at the front of me and the opposite free days, looking forward to the war began . Related articles:

