
cheap beats by dr dre to wench affirmati

It is loose.I by myself go to work properly a territory at a time, just know in is how dangerous.Our several individuals all have been already worked properly and get together an activity, also is several times almost killed, besides at that time you a person."
Yuan blessing the wry smile is a , oneself returns when Wang Xin is past what all not too understand of bond maid, have never thought over so several years, the person has already grown up.
The career that slowly listens to Wang Xin speaking to him in the middle of working properly a territory, the mood of Yuan blessing rises and falls with relating of Wang Xin , but happy, but concussion, but strain, although know perfectly well damages met all already in the past, still cannot help but for nearby of the bond maid worry.
From Wang Xin relate, Yuan blessing the career that slowly understood Wang Xin , also felt her variety.Went to and work properly a territory at a time, Wang Xin is no longer didn't after the bond maid of rains and winds, is already with he together the building of class radicle expected monk and believed in be thought greatly of in door of seed, compare much more mature before.
"Is all elder brother Fu, you say so easily, I was cheated by you!"Say till the last, Wang Xin complaint way, however this words act in pettish of the meaning is more heavy.
"I don't tell you the danger to fool you, but don't want to let you that going to is risky.Unexpectedly the good heart did a bad matter, my arrangement but asked for for you to bother, have already caused you to suffer hardship."Yuan blessing but a bit self-reproach, probably was oneself to take good care of Wang Xin too much, make her can not adapt to ruthlessnessly fix fairyland.
"Not yes, elder brother Fu isn't you to the trouble that I ask for."Wang Xin hurriedly obstructed a Yuan blessing of self-reproach:"Is all Yang Hai, if not that because of him, your arrangement with originally can't be disrupted.All blame him to intentionally seek me to bother!"
"Does Yang Hai intentionally seek you to bother?Could you cautiously say with me?This matter I just hear and haven't made understand sequence of events now."The words make reference to this, the Yuan blessing cannot help but asking a way.
"Boon, at that time really is that he challenged on his own initiative.I went to and handled affairs in cloud China city and midway met him.Another cause idea says something against you in front of me, I was unbearable and then answered criticism 2.Afterwards his words are more and more unpleasant to hear, I cannot help but wanting to compare to take a shot with him.Unexpectedly he a shot pretend to get hurt after, then have Yang Jia's person make I, robbed my universe bag first, then took me to Yang Jia.The after the event thinks that all of everythings are what he arrangeses, the street fortune upon and exclusively slanders you and leads me to become angry and pretends to get hurt and robs my Dan medicine again, is all what he arranges like."
"Say so that all of the whole processes are what Yang Hai designses?Seeing to him is to know that you may have to build radicle Dan just descend of hand."Listen to Wang Xin so on saying, Yuan blessing already certain is the affair that Yang Hai knows that oneself conceals a Dan medicine.But should be not working properly territory in know, but know afterwards some other affairs after comprehensive predict.If this affair report to believe in a door, oneself however is to hand over to build radicle Dan, but also be subjected to the reward of believing in the door, oneself after all at work properly territory in can be treated as a few core pupils that saved to flow cloud to believe in, get hold of to work properly a medicine is also as it should be.But if pass Wang Xin , probably the ability is from the oneself's hand in get hold of all Dan medicines.But Yang Hai has never thought of is Wang Xin back the circumstance is so complicated, directly aroused the rebound that waits several houses in the text house, this old fox of Ma Yun Tao again the direct Lan led the background of building the radicle Dan and let the his original plan fall to get empty.
"Affirmation BE, if isn't the horse rider's uncle to declare in advance, perhaps I will be detained by Yang Jia, having an opportunity hereafter definitely give Yang Hai Ge good-looking."Wang Xin brings up Yang Jia, is also hate an idea hundred percent.Yang Jia forced to walk his elder brother Fu, also humiliate her, no wonder that Wang Xin Xin annoy difficult even.
", To, elder brother Fu, Yang Jia's person is still just wanting to catch you now, you so meeting can't in danger?"The business that brings up Yang Jia, Wang Xin suddenly worries of ask a way.
"Be free of, although I haven't knotted Dan,Yang Jia also has no the superior of gold Dan.They are catching me, perhaps and on the contrary willing be grasped by me."The Yuan blessing smiles and have no
"That good, I patronize to want to see you and forgot this affair.Now that elder brother Fu has preparation good, Yang Jia's influence is pretty wide now, a lot of small households all depended on them, if not that the teacher appears publicly, and Wang Jia was also oppressed miserably by them.I must teach them hereafter."
"Ha ha, is still a childishness so.This matter need not put too much in the mind, Yang Jia has purely old Zu at, not move.You now still with concentration self-discipline, don't think too many.Probably have already waited you to knot a baby to have opportunity to give vent to anger."Yuan blessing the complaint that hear Wang Xin , a bit funny, also have some to suppress Yu, is purely like Tashan, the horizontal Gen replies in the Yuan blessing notification of road up, don't once turn over this mountain, always is ability pleasure gratitude and revenge not.
If Wang Xin listenned to a Yuan blessing, but have no break into laughter, on the contrary have gloomy several centses.Yuan blessing soon discovered Wang Xin of different, a silk of Wang Xin Lian is worried while associating to arrive to just see Wang Xin , the Yuan blessing suddenly had to not and well prepare feeling.
"Wench has what difficult matter?"
"Have no, I which have what difficult matter?"
"Not to, wench, affirmation is to have what difficult matter.The time that just saw you see you a little bit feel vexed, exactly what matter, can say with me?"Yuan blessing Be some to is hasty, Wang Xin affirmation is have big bother, otherwise can't be still so upset while meeting with oneself.
"I come to tell you!"A aery voice spreads from the distance and appear at the same time of still have a Huang Guang, a big hand.Huang only offends toward the Yuan blessing, while the big hand grasps toward Wang Xin .
Wang Xin hears voice, the noodles exposes surprised permit, immediately want to block is at the Yuan blessing body before, but drive Yuan blessing oneself Lan arrived after death and used Rong burning the shield protect.At the same time cold jade snake's appearing is nearby, on connecting three people algidity jet beating off Huang Guang, Yuan blessing the sword point along together, a sword spirit shot spread a big hand.The vitality that originally can hardly match's greatly arresting has already canned break with the hand now.Break big hand the Yuan blessing don't dare to neglect after, hands method definitely transformation, prepare to leave to match absolute being only, will make moves towards appearing at not the hazy figure of distance.The other party since displayed gold Dan to expect of fix for, and then there is Wang Xin at nearby, from not get Yuan blessing didn't take out expertise.The other party didn't also stop over, Huang Guang countermarch after tremble for a while, change to make three yellow the light again rush toward.The Yuan blessing nearby appeared a huge black turtle shadow again and spewed out black liquid, with the algidity of cold jade snake mix together, resist Huang Guang.
"Don't begin, elder brother Fu, teacher!"
"Boon?"Hear the voice of shouting of Wang Xin , Yuan blessing stopped a hand in of action, the hazy shadow of human figure of opposite also bright one protecting of noodles white shield, take back be blocked flying of time sword.
"Text uncle Shi?"The Yuan blessing sees the other party stop, didn't also take back the demon monster Jing soul and just spread to go to hand in of leaving and matching absolute being light, make a noise to ask a way.
"Hum, fix to rely on for being quite good, the Jing soul of cold jade snake and J water turtle, indeed as expected having some.I say how to dare to dare to also come back under Yang Jia's high pressure.But you think with this ability and Yang Jia Dou?"Just and Yuan blessing to war didn't have cheapness,cheap beats by dr dre, the text pistil is some surprise, the other party one builds radicle monk to incredibly have magic weapon, really out of the blue.
"The pupil doesn't dare with Yang Jia Dou and is also a secret back this time, however is want to see Wang Xin Yi's side just."Yuan blessing tone very civility, the other party has great boon to Wang Xin , not give offense to, and know just a text pistil however is measure to ownly fix for, don't move a true space.The Yuan blessing can't innocently think that oneself can easily defeat a monk of gold Dan that big Zong Men is from.
"Know own weight good.After meeting soon and soon leave."The text pistil facial expression is a little bit good-looking, directly order way.
"Text uncle Shi, just I ask Wang Xin to have what troublesome, she isn't willing to say, can uncle Shi dispel doubt for me?"Yuan blessing the order that didn't press the text pistil directly leave and on the contrary continue to ask a way.
The text pistil sighed tone, saw Wang Xin Yi's eye and said:"The truth tells you, if isn't Wang Xin to you and remember fondly too much, have already influenced self-discipline, slowly can not break to build a radicle for middle, I just can't let she to see you.Wang Xin is to have potential impact dollar the baby's seedling son, the jade Xuan of self-discipline is quiet to think an achievement, this achievement the method fix Related articles:

