
beats by dre australia influence within t

XiaoHan Shan Shan one laughs: is anything but brother ,I did ,but the Han Confucianism is not simple, do not under me ,almost sewer capsized ,but for the thirteen time this princess ,who wins is not certain ! , relationresultHow do you like this Han Confucianism had a conflict ? Dragon five strange road .
relationresultHan Confucianism did not know what evil mind moving up unexpectedly ,so big idea ,the person under house arrest and governor ,I save the people after the gas ,however ,I just ran to his governor was smashed ! Xiao Han smiled .
relationresultCold Confucian background is very mysterious ,you know ? Dragon five exploratory asked .relationresultYou say he is behind the organization? Xiao Han to get some information from the Dragon five ,dragon although out of the mainland ,but intelligence network is still there, know more than he will .
relationresultHan Confucianism person with the Orcish descent ,but what it is, is not clear ,the league has been a goal, you know ? Dragon five asked .relationresultThey want to build 1.
5 orcs countries mainly ,is it right? ? Xiao Han smiles ,the world no matter what, if pursue ever-young ,other escaped right ,property and color of these three words .relationresultXiaoHan himself pursued three words ,difference is a popular size ,heart is too large ,will have an accident sooner or later ,there is a saying not to say well ,come out to mix ,sooner or later is also .
The heart is too small ,hesitated, cannot accomplish, walking in the middle ,consider the situation ,it is the most reliable .relationresultWell ,the Union recently activity very badly, a lot of ORC stronghold of the orcs are migratory .
Dragon five .relationresultEven the orcs to establish a state ,this is nothing ,it was their own affair, as long as you don provoke me, I no matter . Xiao Han said .relationresultYou have to have ,regardless of the orcs and half orcs ,are very good ,this time you cold Confucian battle ,probably in the orcs have a great influence within the union ,and the cold Confucian don stop there ! Dragon five .
relationresultbrother to remind ,I will be careful . Xiao Han know in your heart, the Han Confucianism will not let go ,and he would not let go of his ,this is a great threat to .relationresultThis time you go to the Orcish Empire better be careful, you the little foxes with ? Dragon five asked .
relationresultTake ,this time to come with me . Xiao Han nodded .relationresultCan stay here by your side ,to let her go back ! Dragon five solemnly said .relationresultGo back.Xiao Han , back to the fox tribe ? , relationresultYou should know her identity ,is cannot long stay ,to know her but the orcs in the prophet Erin you know ? Dragon five .
relationresultWell ,I know ,the prophet Ai Lin brother how much you know ? , relationresultI know well ,just know he continent is existent three big prophecy master in the oldest one ,almost one hundred years old ! Dragon five .
relationresultA one hundred year old man ,how can so mysterious ? Xiao Han indissolubles ,SEER hardly survive over the age of one hundred ,as long as his prophetic words ,which is the heaven for SEER manacle ,does not allow him to longevity .
relationresultseer is a very mysterious occupation ,the AI Lin forty years of fame ,he was a sensation throughout the continental prophecies ! Dragon five explained .relationresultWhat the prophecy ? Xiao Han very interested asked ,the purple charm can never told him, all about Erin ,purple charm rarely mentioned ,and he has not asked .
relationresultThe purple Empire thirty-fourth .The time of death, when he predicted the feeling in the mainland nine thousand nine hundred and forty-four calendar years June twenty-two at nine in the morning to die in one ,but sleep in good health ,or a strong person ,the purple empire in a quiet ,good weather for the crops ,nor what outgoing to assassinate emperor message ,if any, also can not become certainly ,want to know there is a lot of purple imperial master allegiance to the Royal ,basically is the close protection, Irene this prophecy came out, everyone is as a joke to see ,to know that although Ai Lin was a prophet ,but before he predictions are made many jokes ,basically no one believes his prophecy ,this time is no exception ,they are aware of their own to hear the prophecy ,and laugh away ,not placed on the heart ,but on that day ,morning Cheng Jue was first practiced a sword ,and then bath ,along with breakfast ,he eats breakfast is good that is nine points ,did not think of is ,he ate some breakfast, then picked up a cup of water to his mouth down, do not have a few times, and died ! Dragon five is like the story of the Dayton bizarre prophecy tells out .
relationresultThis is not the feeling of choking to death ? Xiao Han is understood, this story really weird ,but careful scrutiny ,not credible ,is really a coincidence, the coincidence of some unbelievable .
relationresultXiao brother really smart ,later confirmed ,feeling is choked to death ,if it is an ordinary person ,that this is not surprising, as I can count on is a strong ,eat can choke ,which isn ?So this AI Lin suddenly famous, followed by the orc great prophet died, he became a great prophet ,until now ! Dragon five .
relationresultHe still fails to predict ? Xiao Han felt that this Erin is it right? A God ,accidental blind cat meets a dead mouse ,let him give hit .relationresultOf course there, or who would believe it ,beats by dre australia! Dragon five said , after he not a prophecy is not an error ,or can not be tied three prophecy master ! , relationresultThe AI Lin orks which group ? , relationresultThe fox ,but it seems a very low, soil is a fox .
Dragon five .relationresultLook ,I it will inevitably follow the great prophets, see the ! Xiao Han to oneself one track .relationresultBrother ,I have something to ask you ? Xiao Han reminiscent of Huolongwang things ,asked .
relationresultDragon fivelaughing : Xiao man ,have anything to ask . , relationresultThe children ... ... , relationresultXiao man ,the thing I am afraid I can not help you ,you know ,my own .
.. ... Dragon five bitter smile .relationresultBrother ,I do not want you to help me ,but I just want to know the children ,dragon recently there is no injury ,illness or what ? Xiao Han asked .
relationresult,sick? Xiao man ,you got me ,hurt that is homely food ,we dragon aggressive nature, do not play not to fight ,live no difficulty, unless the poisoning ,ill it is no possible ! Dragon five .
relationresultThe Huolongwang he ... ... , relationresultI am not sure, but the last time ,as if the sea monster and movement, Huolongwang with hundreds of people to encircle a ,seems to hurt many ,but not dead ,as Huolongwang himself ,no news ,estimation should be fine, Shaw brother ,why do you suddenly want to to ask this ? Dragon five doubts .
relationresultI also for glass .She ask her out ,for many years, do not worry . Xiao Han a smile .relationresultGlass ,is it right? What happened ? Dragon five nervous asked .relationresultAll right ,she is good, you in my side ! Xiao Han tao .
relationresultBoy you gotta treat her right ,she so simple, we Dragon Island ,all the love she is upset ,the thirteen ... ... Dragon five voice also decline ,heard with a bang ,dragon thirteen bump into : I most upset ? , relationresultThirteen sister ,brother did not mean it . Related articles:

