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Wall, arises to split an inside Pa of voice ring.
"BE knot boundary!"Yang Yang Yi's speech didn't finish, firm Mu Carter was tiny to apply, kicked to spread resistance, and set the feet Ya that wear black boots safe and soundly falls ground once.He but didn't go before continuing, but stopped at first.
Zhao Ting doesn't understand that the ground asks:"Why don't walk?"Firm Mu Carter smiled to smile:"The host entertain guest with this attitude, don't return to some gift how go."
Words sound just fall, the distance spread to come to loudly flap wings to rise a voice more more, reflecting what to go into public visual field was a green a little bit small, however, once winked an effort, change into five claw dragons of a head of body blue.With grace wield along with its huge film-like in shape wing, the bank of clouds in a twinkling spreads out and peeps out the clear sky of deep blue, violent spirit wave dynasty 5 people blow, but youth in advance the piece conclude boundary, the Yang Yang Si people the slightest didn't be subjected to influence, can recklessly appreciate green Long Cheng Wei's heroic bearing.
"Is excellent!I first see five claw dragons!"Yang Yang feels deeply about, " doesn't know that it is male to is a mother."
"It is the mother's dragon."Firm Mu Carter answer, " will come out to squared of only have mother dragon."4 people are big strange.Rare Li silk way:"And the mankind are exactly the opposite mile of!"Firm Mu Carter humed 1:"Because those mother of whole is an idiot!The male dragons all know that the truely strong generally can't challenge on their own initiative!"4:No wonder that he will head for the road of homosexuality.
Green Long Jian's demonstration is invalid, these mankind is foolishly still a station is at first, hence lowered height, roared a way:"You are what person!Unexpectedly dare not through allow to be good at the territory of rushing silver Long Wang!Want to butcher hero dragon, you born 4,000 years late!I give you three seconds and roll right away!Otherwise rest to blame me Don't mention it!"
4 people raise head, the Chou wears red youth:"She is incognizant you."
"I will make her recognize of."
Say, firm Mu Carter raises a hand, a large fireball that the foot has ten meters diameter is appeared he center of palm of hand front, at take shape of the in a flash arouse to shoot but, the chest of exact center green dragon.Even bellow to also too late deliver, that huge body is hit pour to fly to go out, change into a meteor of glitter, not and stubbornly not move ground to fall in valley the center, arise a burst of and slight earthquake and one stuffy ring.Yang Yang Si, people, Zhang Zhu Zui, , looking at this acts and observes a moment of silence for pitiful meteor"young lady".
"Is oh my!, mess!"The precise magic trick technique of originally very satisfied oneself suddenly thinks of one matter and makes firm Mu Carter displeasedly surprise, " I forgot!Should engrave on her belly'firm Mu Carter do obeisance up', let wheat prophet the way is that I came in case he thinks is which extremely conceited of the mankind master come to kick building and literally send some shrimp soldiers small will come out to ask for me vexed heart."
"This is falsely good, regard as is a warm-up exercise."Zhao Ting only and perhaps the world don't dedicate the best plan plan in disorder.
"H'm, what you said is quite right."
These two guys are really the same bad habits find each others.The Yang Yang San people look askance at.
At this time, far compare to just and loud and clearly flap wings to rise the ear drum that the voice stirs up 5 people, what cloud piece in one regiment gray approaches gradually, forms this cloud is hundreds of Ultrasauruses, have red of, green of, blue of, black of, in addition to the gold color has no, for being a head of of head a little bit slender white dragon is than other dragons and have purely blue eyes and the looks of grace.The Yang Yang Si people stare continuously ground to looking at to it pay to collect as treasure a life wonderful view and forgot frightened.The Zhao Ting points at that white Long Wen:"He is silver Long Wang?"
"Do not know."
"?"Ten thousand don't expect answer like this, 4 people were all foolish to live.Firm Mu Carter knits the brows a way:"All of white Long Zus grows about, even the female and male also argues not to come out, don't say to recognize a person."
"Can …can silver Long Wang should know you for many years!"
"That's right, so I recognize his voice, wait this white dragon openings to know, don't hasty."
Proper 4 people are foolish however of time, the white dragon opens and vomit ice quality of slender voice:"Is each to be good at the valley of rushing the silver, and then contuse me to wait companion, so-called He Yi?"
"She isn't wheat first!She is a mother!"Firm Mu Carter is like and discovers that the New Continent sort calls.4 people almost denounce openly:"This we also listen to come out!"
White Long Leng Leng.Flank a few black rant dragons:"Impoliteness!Unexpectedly dare to keep the name of shouting the king!"
"I if can not keep shouting wheat first name, world again unmanned can keep shouting his name."Firm Mu Carter sneers at, " still has, black Long Zu when go and live with white Long Zu?Because of Bach was the Mu Si sealed to print?He still really has a flock of good subordinate."
Black dragons become angry from embarrassment and toghter open a huge, dynasty 5 people pour out scorching hot Long Huo.See a form, other dragons early canning not restraining also follow in succession, getting angry with the green dragon that the companion humiliates is also poisonous fog of the specialty green liquid one bone brain the jet go and only have a few red Long Mian dew perplexity, don't move.
"Stop!"White dragon's stopping Yan don't make in the companion of noisy miscellaneous medium, have no a person to hear.She just in time opens to knot boundary, may may hold up the original kind of quilt bounces back of attack.
"Many matters."
There is the murderous look chaperonage of quality invisible rushing toward for a sky along with the male voice of chagrin, Long Wei's proliferation of the cover ground opens, influence and, even that white dragon also beat a Tu, rest of dragon none not the tooth fight a war, the whole body shivers, therefore when brilliant of the many colors flame change into a burning pillar that dashes forward horizon, then play to project numerous burning Long Chao, they fly come, no man thoughts of to avert from and also too late averts from, in addition to those red dragons, they are what they rush at flames.
The mountain shakes ground to move.Gold, jet-black,www.beats4monster.co.uk, dark purple, the silver, red and red many colors flame constitute sad but beautiful steaming hot storm, at two block up the towering crag pouring rain that brings about blood.The Hai person blares ring quite a few minute, just gradual interest.Again lead very in a short while, the explosion arises of sand dust just spread to open.
Mountain drive raze.Seem to be evaporated by the flame, don't leave how much crushed stones.On the jet black earth, horizontal seven Shus eight lie a lousy Ultrasaurus of burnt meat of several hundred skin, the Nian turns to groan.Stay an in the sky only the head white dragon, but her appearance is also very wretched, beautiful silver white scale drive hot smoked black several, the just big pause for breath.The Yang Yang Si people see dumbstruckly.
"Blood Long Wang ……" is from the white Long Zui Li, the pain ground extrudes 3 to influence gradually terrified word.
Firm Mu Carter Pie her one eye, walk forward.4 people aren't clear so the ground keeps up with.
"King ……"
At 5 people the front is a few wounds to get a specially heavy red dragon.They shiver ground to support to start a body with the forelegs and deeply lower the head and sob a way, "you came back, finally ……" drive this solemn and solemn and peaceful prospects touched, four youth's young girls temporarily could not say words.Firm Mu Carter deeply takes a suck at spirit and scolds a way:"A group of idiots!"
The whole field is solemnly silent.Several hundreds of eyes are foolish to looking at blood of Long Wang's adult one feet Chuai kicked his[one] fall on the forehead of a head of red dragon.
"You***want to seek dead BE!Oneself sends to come to make me bomb!Try to commit suicide is not so either suicide method!Want to learn Phoenix Nie 槃 ?Is really a group of pigs, make fart to make!You didn't be like those black dogs again blunt do I bark and why connect that shot?"
"We … to disrespect king ……"
"Baloney!You are like how many candles similar put where, call to my disrespect?"
"BE.The "red dragons together track, " black dog barks to the king, but we not the arrestment is a disrespect."Firm Mu Carter is almost annoyed by them to faint.The Yang Yang Si people feel funny, and feel worthy of respect.
"Rare Li silk!"Breathed heavily in a short while thick spirit, tied Mu Carter calls out after death of companion.Red young girl Leng then understand for an instant, say with smile:"Is all right, hand over to me." Pull a Mu way:"I also come to help."Red doubt the dragons' ground stares these two, but catch sight of metal gray facial expression of oneself lord, don't dare to wildly move, the darling allows 2 people to fasten with white sorcery and water sorcery to cure for themselves.
"You have a flock of good subordinate."Yang Yang walks to the youth body side, honestly say with smile.Although shut eyes, firm Mu Carter is a facial expression that turns over cold stare:"Do not be kidding!Be because there is this stupid big head bottom, red Long Zu's number Related articles:

