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"Though not understand, the leaf Er Ma still holds close his waist according to speech, the sky that sees front spilts open a big son, numerous small light grains by leap and bound brush past an ear and link into line, blood at clamor, want to vomit of feel one wave Gao Guo Yi's wave, suddenly a burst of lose heavy the feeling spread, she reflects sex ground loose open a hand, supported under the back of huge bird to offset the impact that may have;Pa west the Si also does a same action, close behind, is one stuffy ring.
"Seem to can not stand here of'spirit'."Examine to vomit sitting of white Mo to ride, the Pa west Si Song shrug shoulders Bang.Leaf Er Ma's noticing the ground of surroundings is a strange jade-green color, careful on seeing, Ya way:"Is a leaf, not, tree cover!"
"Being true is often my Hou for hour to play of tree cover."Trampled two feet assurance touch without any error, the red girl Wan heart greatly rises, the Zhan opens brilliant smiling face.The silver delivers youth but loses in the moment blood-red color.
"Tree cover, tree cover ……" double knee a soft, his Tan is soft in the ground, imitate a Buddha to can't see a sort petting blade, mumbling way, "can't of, can't be here ……"
"Suo shell gram?"The leaf Er Ma just became overdo, see he stumble to start to climb, a burst of breeze the ground brushed past and jumped down a tree cover, "!"
Was foolish for two seconds, she just returned to absolute being.
"Unexpectedly throwing a person of female kid in this kind of place is really a lousy man."
Walk to the edge to stretch forward to look about, see to jump down definitely don't return alive of possibility after, she has to return to at first and does foolish things in desperation ground to wait for.Led approximately half to engrave a clock, a white shadow jumped to come up.
"You ……" leaf the Er Ma originally want to ask "you why went", the words arrive a mouth side and become-"you are all right?"
Pa west Si facial expression deadly pale, however facial expression big body still calculate quiet, only euphonic one silk revealing is unsteady:"Be free, I keep on embracing you."
There are a lot of men of stories.Leaf Er Ma dark Cun.
In the process of landing, the maidservant soldier cans not helps deeply inhaling, dark yellowish green of is gleaming the blue ocean of precious stone under the tree hat, the scene is so beautiful and make people doubt is a dream world.Depend Be getting nearer, just discover that that isn't the precious stone, but the huge ferns that send forth a light fluorescence, wrong fall the growth isn't doing know is what composition constitute of navy blue earth's surface up.
"Is very beautiful!"On being let go of by the companion, the leaf Er Ma runs toward recent light fern for the no time for waiting ground.
"It is very beautiful."Pa west the Si absent-mindedly attach and, the vision loiters in Gao to greatly arrive an unimaginable huge treetop.The look in the eyes arrives from the heartrending despair unfathomable strange and changeful, the corner of mouth also starts to float a silk ribbon smiling of sweet gamey smell idea.
The leaf who doesn't expect however turn head Er Ma, the heart palpitates is quick two clap.
It is very sexy,cheap beats by dre.
Resting the benefit Anne's facial appearance is a pure heart and few desires type of, and Pa west the words and actions of the Si is also very polite, so she has been chasing him when the gentleman sees and have never thought, this man's essence is a rose but isn't a bulb of lily.
Just like be lured by the flame of moth, the leaf Er Ma walks up the other party and solve at the same time the tape of bunch hair.
"Think what so absentminded?"
Pa west the Si far from don't understand the man of romantic feeling, immediately appreciate the maidservant soldier's meaning and put a posture of invitation.Leaf Er Ma this just take to ascend his neck, otherwise, literally touch to touch a warrior, being jilted something to fly.
"Miss a person."He at her ear thin language, Mo Suo her gorgeous and red hair, " I like to curl hair of female."
"Because is that person a curl hair?"The leaf Er Ma smiles, didn't feel to deepen and exchange the impulse of the breathing with the other party not and quickly and on the contrary, after all the females all like particularly the man of feeling.Although, she indetermination Pa west Si is be not at tell a lie.
The arm of tightenning feels soft touch, leaf the facial expression of the Er Ma is also many think of, "what a coincidence, my first lover is also similar to you, have the keeping of long long a head of the hair."
"Each other is satisfied, too good."The orotund disappearance lightly smiling is in the layer after layer double of lipses.
Enrich very much organic functions deeply kiss.The leaf Er Ma doesn't have no livinging of experience delicate my daughter's child, but still soon indulges in the other party to brilliantly seduce bottom, if connect down Pa west the Si want to go deep into a development, she also has no the dint of holdout, but don't know what is the row, that wreath wears the hand of her loins, has been politely putting in the original place and only fixs the right hand of her back part of skull to aggravate strength gradually ……
In the exquisite atmosphere, suddenly put into a scream of high Kang:
Is tiny loose open a hand, the breathing not the slightest disorderly youth side head sees go, the eye wave flows to turn one unspeakable cast a glamour, imitate a Buddha one stub slowly bloom of Luo of Man Tuo, send forth a bewitchingly beautiful but fatal poison joss-stick, let front side what Yang Yang blushed up to the ears eyewitnessing beat heart bottom to fear at the same time!
But, when the figure with a brown long plait and amber eyes comes into sight the moment of scope, on sweeping but getting empty, toxin's what to replace is sincere happy:", You are all right."
"You you you ……" Zhao Ting returns to absolute being, spirit get red in the face from excitement, "we are worried that you worry want to die, result you are incredibly as warm and affectionate as woman here!"Pa west the Si once turned round, the expression completely resumed to adjust in normal times.
"Go, the business of adult, the kid doesn't take care of."He rushes through a fly the ground wave hand.The Zhao Ting is great anger, the one mouthful bites at his this hand.
"Rui!"Leaf the Er Ma surprise ground rush to with Yang Yang wait a person together of subordinate, but the facial expression of the latter have a little complicated:"Head."
"Be free?"
"BE ……you are also free, too good."
The palm tree hair of another Xiang young girl is still biting, greatly doesn't the bearing that bone's biting into bit Shi don't give up have.Originally didn't want the Pa the west Si Mi that dispute attracts attention, decided ordered a color for her to see:"You finished, I just ascended an over toilet don't wash hands."
"Ou-" Zhao Ting signed a horse to turn round to vomit 1 ground.The rare Li silk sees unable to cay or laughly:"Two of you play a pair of Huang."She to Pa west the behavior of the Si pour a nothing important felling, after all a mind and body is healthy of man, occasionally do something like that very normal.The Xiao boon is also inattentive, however is excited relation, at that moment makes a pounce upon disciple:"Luckily you are all right!We don't know to what is the row drop to this space, have been being thinking a way to return to!"
"No wonder that I open the door to disappear you."Pa west the Si smile back to embrace him, purity but Can however of smiling face, silently comforted a fearing to of Yang Yang's heart idea.Pull Mu interrogation:"Have not you been already got married?"
"Oh ah, originally have been already got married, no wonder that the technique is so good."What to send out a surprised Yi voice is an Er Ma of the leaf of one side, see public to see toward oneself, very poised and dignifiedly say with smile, " how are you, I call leaf Er Ma."
Yang Yang waits a person to make gift in return to register one by one, Xiao boon shot next Zhang:", We once saw in the hotel BE?"
"Be honored you very much to also remember, the many thanks takes care of my house's Rui."The leaf Er Ma has already known these people to save him from the subordinate and formally thanks, immediately for Pa west the Si break siege, " Suo shell gram is a gentleman, is kissed by him at me dizzy happy, have never eaten the stem to me and put on clean;And is what I lure him on my own initiative."
A few young girls of easily ashameds are shamefaced.Pa west the Si be of contrary opinion ground mouth, he is denounced openly to don't cry up, either, hurriedly move away reason:"Is the achievement of fierce my house old woman Niang, she is a super vinegar altar son."Not is to play trick, if thin Li the west Be second to know that he makes a mess of behind her back, the first matter is to call Wei strong Yan he.
"Ha ha."The leaf Er Ma cans not help smiling.Yang Yang openings way:"Now that the persons all arrived together, we set out to look for'fragment'-Suo shell does the gram know fragment?"
"Know, seeing to you didn't also harvest."
"Not not, we have result, see."A kind of insect Li the Yang wear the smile of angel's sort to pass to make moves, stand open.
The look in the eyes that catches sight of the Zhao Ting Gui Zha, the heart knows far from good already too late, a very small snail he sways to touch beard in the snow-white center of palm of hand dynasty.
Was malicious to beat two ghosts to work properly a single-minded**, the Pa west Si political ability is tiny to feel avenged.The others looking at "road" that he developed while escaping stunned.
"Walk!"Remaining Nu don't the ground kick to pour a recent light fern, Pa west Related articles:

