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Before Pearl Harbor resuming an use.American solider impossibly at west Pacific Ocean up launch strategy to counter-attack, also have no necessity at west Pacific Ocean up preserve one strong battle fleet of paying.
"The third, 11 fleets turn to halt Republic of Nauru affirmation to attain to keep secret.Along with a fleet get into a southwest Pacific Ocean, plused us to leave a Republic of Nauru on the 11th, arrive the time of Fiji islands at the American solider, we probably appear in the southwest Pacific Ocean up waters in any part .Experienced formely of how many intercepted combat, the American solider wasn't likely to take no account of our threats, under this circumstance, the American solider had what reason don't escort for tall ship?It is another.Why did the intelligence bureau just receive news on the 17th.Say American solider's fleet after arriving Fiji islands will return Pearl Harbor?""Intentionally confuse us?"Speech of is just adjusted termed 11 fleets, took over a wood peace.Serve as fleet battle staff officer of five celebrate a dollar, his also calculating up is a white to bless Bin ground old subordinate.
"To, affirmation is to want to make us feeling organic to can take advantage o.Thus, we can not even fall into trap."White bless Bin light on smiling, " now, you should understand, why I want to break the sea tiger to hand over a fleet to be sent to soup to add the islands break to hand over a task by south performance and make the sea dragon break to hand over a fleet at the same time the social islands broke to hand over a task by area performance in the North Sea,Facebook?"
"Superior, you are to say ……" five celebrate a dollar secretly a surprised, the words of behind didn't speak.
"I just will account and then account and let the American solider believe, we will at the islands of Fiji with south, or southwest intercept it to transport tall ship."
White's blessing Bin don't say words too thin, he believes, those doubtful staff officer none of military officers are idiots.
The soup adds islands and is located in Fiji islands south and breaks and hands over a fleet and appears in this waters along with"sea tiger" number, the American solider fleet commanding officer by all means thinks, and this is the white and bless Bin and is looking for suitablely battlefield, and assault the American solider of battlefield neighborhood warship and kick out and be not discovered by the American solider by ensuring 11 fleets.
The social islands are located in the mark Sa Si islands southwest probably 400 nautical miles, "sea dragon" number is broken to hand over a fleet to appear this waters behind, will let American solider the fleet commanding officer believe, the white blesses Bin to lead of 11 fleets have already ambushed good enough, and sent to probe fleet to look for American solider's fleet.
Anyway, the all theses all want to make the American solider believe, 11 fleets the islands south in Fiji a certain waters,cnn.
"Now, I explain my military tactics arrangement again."Say, the white blesses Bin to walk to hang maritime map of wall side."In the mark Sa Si islands to the east after waters suffer with enemy, we will active decisive battle with American solider's fleet.After all, now only we can crest live four dresses the China class war row warship of pressure, those break to hand over the fleet is in the American solider fleet in front there is no advantage to be talked and even have no qualifications to go back and forth with it.Don't forget, dress the sail of the China class war row warship soon can attain 33 sections, but the sail of the sea dragon class large cruiser soon only 34 sections."
"Will the American solider decisive battle with us?"The Xiao settled a nation to ask a key problem to come out in this time.
"This isn't the meeting with can't, or think with don't think of problem."The white blesses Bin light on smiling, say, " American solider's fleet is after death several up to 100 merchantmans, do they have way out?Front ground analysis already very clear, the United States wants to want to guard Australia, or ensure that Australia isn't captured by us before the instauration vitality of its navy, 35 battle teachers of this carrying can arrive and arrive it decisive influence.Thus, even if American solider's fleet doesn't want to decisive battle with us, they also have no another choice.Certainly, the actual circumstance can't be like I analyze so in brief, after all who can not also anticipate the variety on the battlefield."
Xiao certainly the nation Be a little bit tiny to nod, seemed to be understand white to bless the meaning of Bin.
"But, our break to hand over a fleet basically isn't the opponent of British fleet."
"This is affirmative ground of."The white blessed the huge Jin dollar of Bin dynasty speech to see one eye and said, " therefore, I have never intended to use to break to hand over fleet to deal with British fleet.According to my analysis, fight beat after ringing, two war row cruisers of England can't help American solider's fleet, after all in our war row warship in fronts, those are early two the ex-service war row the cruiser almost have no existence ability.Thus, the war row of England the cruiser is very likely to catch up anterior tall ship, provide to directly cover for it, four backmost at the same time British war row the warship will also accelerate to catch up.At this time, if the sea tiger breaks to hand over a fleet to tie up Britishly war row cruiser, the sea dragon breaks to hand over a fleet to have confidence to polish off a front to connect to criticize ground in the tall ship big parts of merchantmans."
"But, the sea dragon's breaking to hand over a fleet is also very likely to face the war row of England warship."
The white blessed Bin to order to nod and said:"Really having this kind of may.Thus, the sea dragon break to hand over a fleet and then have to tie up England to fight a row warship.This, everyone can trust, after intercepting Europe and uniting a fleet, we and the United States five fleet decisive battle ground time, Qin Xiao Dong directed the old style war row warship that the sea dragon waits three large cruisers and American navy to once exchange blows, he has very abundant experience."
"Thus, how do we deal with the conveyance boats and ships of the United States?"
"This is exactly also variable's biggest place in the whole battle."The white blesses Bin to seem to be to have much of patience."According to before receiving of news, sea lion is very likely to will late arrive for 1-2 days.If sea lion breaks to hand over a fleet to be arrive in time, that again good however, when the time comes the United States English fleet the conveyance boats and ships that the beginning and end is difficult to attend to, wait we to polish off its big part after, even if withdraw on one's own initiative, all to acquired victory.If sea lion breaks to hand over a fleet to arrive punctually, have to see we can be with much quick speed shot Kui American solider's fleet.As long as we draw out a body, which afraid that cans draw out two war row warships and all has enough confidence to polish off, or frightens the old style of running four England war row warship.Be good enough to polish off at this time, with our real strenght most of conveyance boats and shipses.Certainly, the whattest a mess circumstance also probably appears, namely we can not quickly polish off American solider's fleet.By so doing,google, we have to work well the worst plan."
What is the worst plan, white's blessing Bin don't speak, also feel to have no necessity to speak.
Later on, the staff officers pose a few questions again, the white blesses bins to all really have patience of understand to answer one by one.This is also regarded as a difficult ability valuable, after all at former, the white blesses Bin seldom thus in detail explain in detail his military tactics intention to the staff officer military officer.
After meetinging adjourned, public return to respectively of post up, the white blesses Bin just grew to longly loosen tone.
Continue to beg a ticket to beg support.

Text the tenth bath of blood Ao war chapter 26 is each each(the first is more)
Renew time:2009-7-172:51:51 chapter word numbers:3857

When the white blesses Bin to leave board room and arrives at the time on the open-air deck, outside of the color of the sky have been dark down.
"Small white, in fact you aren't that kind of the person who likes to walk alone only a king."
The words that hear blue Ling Po, the white blessed Bin to once turn round and conveniently leaned on a railing up.
"I feel that you were too lazy."Blue Ling Po smiled to shake to shake head, " is lazy to get heel staff officer the company measure an action in battle, everything all according to own judgment activity."
The white blesses Bin tiny wrinkly next eyebrows."How to speak this words?"
"In fact, this isn't the habit well."Blue Ling Po clapped to clap the shoulder that the white blesses Bin, " you recall for a while and lead in your conductor of in a few naval battles, as long as acquiring victorious naval battle, affirmation once discussed in detail with staff officer before fighting, but as long as beat whatter a messly of, affirm don't talked over with staff officer."
Although this words of blue Ling Po say very heavily, white's blessing Bin don't get angry.
Need not blue Ling Po reminds that white's blessing bins all has already thoughted of this problem.
"I don't misunderstand my meaning, in fact you don't need to let the staff officer make decision for you, more need not let the staff officer influence your decision, but how should also let understand your military tactics of staff officer intent, so just can direct smoothly Related articles:

