
cheap beats by dr dre don't tore your mout

The night of the world text chapter 92 New Year's Eve(next)
Dances dress to be regarded as Li Lin the far building is just kin, from dry the financial situation is dilapidated, send in uncle, Li Lin, just of your home, originally she was the New Year's Eve party that didn't want to come to take part in Li Fu, but the housekeeper finds out her in the afternoon, the master has been already made, New Year's Eve of night, the your whole family up and down all made the big hall gather Yan.
According to the seat in last year, her seat should is an end in lefts head most side up, but she sought 1 turn,did not find out oneself's seat.
At this time, the housekeeper walks to come forward low voice to her way:"Miss, your seat wasn't here, pleased with me."
The housekeeper got her to the middle of left head, is Li Lin here the place of sitting of the daughterses just, the housekeeper pointed to point in the center an alone seat way:"Miss, that is your seat."
Dances dress not from a bit astounded, how does she sit here?
"Hum!"Side a few women lightly humed a , someone soft-voiced way:"Everyone bewared of and had already lost star in the door to come."
More than ten women disdained a ground of Pie her one eye, seat at table along with the dance dress, the owners are all silent, have no a person to realize her, a short moment, the women respectively say to smile again, dances dress only the Gu ground sit in the seat and lower the head a to talk the language is not.
Six daughters who didn't get married get together and point at opposite Li Qing An to in a low voice smile low.
"You see have no, that was Li Qing An, oh ah, grow really quite good!"
"22 Niangs, you are to have a liking for him!Want to let the daddy do Mei for you?"
"Hum!I see you just have this heart, don't know is who secretly run to see the somebody else playing ball in the Chong Ren shop."
"I have no, 23 Niangs be, you know that she never dresses up the own, can today why become so?Face last powder Tu De is so white!"
"Your blah!See me don't tore your mouth."
A few Xis make, suddenly, 22 Niang excited tunnel:"You see quickly, he at see us!"
Dance the dress Be some to curiously hope to go to the opposite, the young man who sees a way on 1 harming Ba is seeing to the this place, his skin is tiny black, all over imitate a Buddha to be full of huge strength that didn't release, seem to be his heroic bearing to thrive, his shape very Gao Da Dun.Forehead expanse but Gao Xuan, be rich with the face of outline up take a kind of special rigorous man, dispassion and Yin Yu, but dance dress for to leave impressive is his eyes.His eyes inside is fierce to hide a kind of uncommon youth of spark and intensely hot vitality.
The 2 people vision mutually touches, danced sudden ground of Peng Peng in the dress heart to jump, the light man was unexpectedly staring at himself/herself that this year, and danced dress to lightly bite one lower lip.Is lowly head.
Today dance the dress didn't dress up intentionally.She is dressed in the white silk long skirt of a commonness and deliver Ji at will the Wan is on the head, peeping out her that is snow-white, like the Bo neck of swan, last time in the pear country don't Li Qing An in the hospital didn't see pure her facial appearance, she the lucid and attractive and incomparable Zi permitted to make Li Qing An deeply infatuate with at this time.
At this time, he after death spread how many Lee's houses the low laughter of sons, "16 Langs, you that color is fond of the fan's taste and is seeing who ah?"
"Each other!Each other!Are you not also seeing her?"
"Ha ha!You are these two of no use guys, there is skill to get her"
"Eight elder brothers, do you have ambition?You aren't one mouth up say terribly?Last time you go to she the yard doorway turned along while, I saw you also have no dare go in."
"Hum!If not that the elder sister-in-law protects her.She was my woman."
Li Qing has peace of mind medium dark Nu, he turns head glimpse, his back sit Li Lin a few sons is just.
"This helps tortoise!"
Li Lin takes off a Ma Nai's sub- grape just and puts into a mouth to slowly chew.Li Qing An's each and every moves all escape however his eyes, he not from squinted to smile.
At this time, Li Fu Dao takes side his low voice to say with smile:"Eldest brother.Seem a few nieces are pretty interested in Li Qing An, you see want don't......"
Li Lin humed just a , upset tunnel:"Three younger brothers.The same surname can not relate by marriage, did you forget?"
"This I certainly know, but, "
Li Dao replied to sigh tone, he was some regret.He feels that this Lee celebrates Anne really quite good.
"Three younger brothers, you need not thought more this matter."
Li Lin just light on smiling, he suddenly raised a cup to stand, "everyone's calmness is for a while!"
The big hall inside a short moment pipes down, Li Lin loudly says with smile just:"Liu Ting Zhi once had poem cloud, year by year point year old flower likeness.The person of from year to year is different, the Yan of the New Year's Eve in last year still the memory is still new, turn an eye and arrived New Year, New Year's Eve remain, but the person added a new comer.14 Langs and 17 Langs take a wife into a house, six Langs and eight Langs added new D for Li Jia, ha ha!The old man is also many more than ten wife Qies not only are people of the same groups, this year still invited several valuable guests.The Zhou was the old friend of our house in the imperial censor king."
Hurriedly the Wang Gong station starts to salute to the public arch hand, Li Lin smiled to smile just the way is again:"As for Ji little Qing and Luo's imperial censor in addition to in addition to those two newborn grandsons I, I think that the others should know.
The big hall inside immediately sends out the laughter that the one understands, Ji moderate Luo is rare great also to public the regards for owing a body, Li Lin just of the vision fall again at Li Qing An's body up.Is tiny tiny a say with smile:"There is still this year a new guest.But I think many people also heard, seven Langs, you by yourself introduce for a while!"
Li Qing An stands to start arch hand to public say with smile:"At under Anne west soldier Li Qing An, can arrive a your family degree for New Year's Eve today, feel keenly honor, particularly the happiness of family reunion of your family, make people even feeling more warm and fragrant"
Li Qing where introduces myself, underneath but the ground of Weng Weng discuss.
"Originally he is Li Qing An, that greatly hurts a history to think clearly and toss pot a first superior, incredibly so young!"
"24 Niangs, how to keep your eyes?"
"Your blah!I just, be just"
"22 Niangs, you are also similar!At silly smile what?"
"Xi Xi!How is the face getting reder?"
Flank dance dress hear that he is Anne's west to get, a pair of tiny flash across in pure Mous one silk bright color, secretly Cun way:"Originally he is from Anne west come of, don't know to have the war that take part in the small Bo Lyu?,
At this time, Li Lin coughs just a , loudly say with smile again:"Our general Lee is too modest, I come to add for everyone two, seven Langs often sign in Anne's west strange achievement, drive praise as Anne's west first arrows, lately small battle of Bo Lyu in signed more next achievement, traveled over Tan Ju Ling, flew Duo Nu more city.Fondle to kill to vomit a Fan soldier the hope finally.Eminent contribution Zhuo Zhao, assess merits and give rewards on the saint, seal him to speak amiss for in thousand cow Weis Lang willing,cheap beats by dr dre, founding a nation a county uncle, seven Langs, I having no".
Li Qing An hurriedly Gong body way:"The prime minister cried up too much and guarded frontier regions to have charge of district and reported a country to kill an enemy to be just my duty
Big hall the inside one is quiet, no one applauses, though Li Lin says very movingly just, his woman the grandchildrens are all uninterested these, the performance after going to the capital of his more interested in Li Qing An.
Li Lin just again ha ha say with smile:"However today is a good New Year's Eve night, I miss everyone is more interested in seven Lang another skill, seven Langs, do you see everyone very the expectation ground following you closely, canning expose a skill for everyone and letting them opening?"
Li Qing An is tiny tiny a say with smile:"My long term at Anne west, kind play non-Han nationalities' musical instrument, today is a New Year's Eve beautiful day, do I wish to play one beard song add to the fun prime minister for everyone to allow?"
"!Will seven Langs incredibly also play the piano?"
Li Lin just the flash across in eye is one silk surprise, is not noded by Le beard point to say with smile:"Is quite good!Is quite good!The old man wish listens respectfully."
Li Qing An recruits to two servants of one side, to he soft-voiced way:"Go to a long form box right away and go fetch me."
Two servants in a hurry went, a short moment.Take to come to Li Qing An ground piano box, Li Qing An walks to the medium field, to public say with smile:"This is a kind of musical instrument that is widely accepteds western Byzantium and big food, I don't know in to have a person to know, if someone knows, please tell to raise hand to tell, I will give her special reward."
One disturbance of big hall, the everyones all stretch forward to look about to Li Qing An's piano box, Li Qing An towardsed a left head to open a piano box and raised Persia Guqin Gao Gao of his improvement empress.
"How?Does someone know?.
The vision of owner brushes ground to stare at toward the piano in the Li Qing An's hand.Suddenly, dances dress"" of a low voice called to get up, she immediately and by hand covered and marvelously stared at the piano in the Li Qing An's hand, will the hes, he play this kind of piano?
Li Qing An deeply saw a dance dress is one eye.But turn round 1 turn, say with smile:"How?Does someone know?"
"This not is greatly eat pipa!"Someone says with smile.
.Not!Be not
Li Qing An again wait a short moment, see no one know, he this just slowly walk to dance dress in front, the Gong body Shi Yi Li's way:"Miss, do you know this musical instrument?"
"Will she know?Is really a joke someone soft-voiced way of Ji Feng.
Li Lin just a few daughters all canthus despise ground fat to dance dress, lightly humed in nose a , although dance dress at outside be praised as piano fairy, she very attention cover himself/herself, don't show people pure her true character as far as possible, and Li Lin just of sons and daughters widespreadly not bent on music, unexpectedly unmanned know that she is a piano fairy.
Dance dress slowly station to start a way:"If I didn't see wrong, you this kind of piano should be a Persia Guqin, already few someones will play, however Persia the Guqin is 5 to reply Xian, you this piano is six single Xians, so I can not affirm, either."
Flank a few women"Chi!, The ground break into laughter voice comes, one person soft-voiced way:"Originally she is also incognizant, do I still think that she really knows?"
"This miss says right."
Li Qing An piano Gao Gao raise, loudly way:"This was the Persia Guqin, only slightly more corrected the mistakes by me."
Li Qing An is from the piano box in take out a guitar with big palm model, pass to dance a dress way for :"Miss, this is the reward for you, appreciate that the miss can know this piano.
The dance dress once connects this do lifelike Persia Guqin, cautiously look at six single Xians of top.Flash across in the her eyes one silk is strange burst of color, start to be suffused with the interest of a kind of mightiness in the heart, what kind of song can these six single Xians flick open?
Flank Li Lin just of how many daughters' visions envy ground stare at the dance dress hand in of model, does she how can know?
At this time, Li Fu Dao presses near Li Lin just again the low voice ask a way:"Who is this woman ?"
"She would is Chu's Mr. Guo's granddaughter and sends in my mansion, the piano plays best."
"So that's why, no wonder that can she know this piano!"
Li Lin just light a say with smile:"Whatever she say.The answer is affirmative to is all right."
Li Fu Dao's one Zheng.
On the big hall.Li Qing An's piano Xian has been already turned, though Guqin and future generations guitar once reforming still keep having a dissimilarity, after Li Qing An's several dayses of practice, he still gradually finds back that the felling for acquainting with.
One song 《Spain of the sorrow 》 big Tang Dan in 1,300 year agos rang, the musical sound returned and imitate a Buddha a melancholy soul stopped to lean on the coast of west, Spanish girl of intense emotion at under the moonlight the looks is outstanding, rush a dance in the seaside along with the musical sound, comfort that standing alone of soul.
The deep feeling ground of Li Qing An looks at distance not as swan beautiful miss, that Yan,such as the white dress fairy maiden of water lotus sort, often presents in his brain.That lucid and attractive and incomparable Qian copies, the sound of that Su, his musical sound gives her one person.
The beautiful melody makes to dance dress to infatuated with profoundly, this is a melody that she has never listenned to, it is so tactfully floating, is so deeply sink like water, it if keep company with a bright moon before the window at her in the night sky, slightly turned her the heart of that sensitive but sadness.
She not from gather together a small piano in the center of palm of hand, put at oneself before the chest, who is he actually?His orotund he seems once acquainted with.
The New Year's Eve Yan is still continuing, but the guest has already taken leave and dances dress to also return to oneself's yard, she sits before window, the silvery moonlight spreads the face of that white Zhe at her up.The moonlight shines upon a her eyes of in of lonesome and sadness, she silently stares at the small piano on the table, that six Xian musical sounds that pass like flowing water a sort slid past her at heart again and turned her heartstring......
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