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Next reach an attack, the government troopses of control weapon just nervously hope a city head.The city outside is a quiet one, the city head then shouts to kill to connect a sky, who can not also make sure to exactly and finally survive in the city head of meeting is which square.
"Summer Si general wood!A kind of insect beautiful general requests second army corps to also join to offend city right away, the seventh army corps could not held against quickly!"Is a the herald soldier of seventh army corps nervously hurtled into a tent and towarded a youth general list leg with serious look to kneel down, " the seventh army corps has already died or injured quick 2,000 people, those Ao especially the Wei Ci fortress soldier still just flounder, incredibly send civilians all up the battlefield!"
"Do not go, the troops of second army corps is to use to prepare to go up north and the empire soldier beat, don't can appear loss under this city!"Summer Si Lin Yao shakes head, helpless ground of walk to the side of door, looking at north city of head that in imposing arraily combat, have already been calculating in the future several days of combat.
"Summer Si general wood, the seventh sets up however three months, 6,500 people who set out's beating doesn't arrive 4,000 people now and probably lose is Be getting bigger ……want not and second army corps up?"A adjutant Tan Te ground the army corps that looking at to go up north battalion commander in chief a Si wood for summer incredibly to he or she's wife the such Ke engrave, the in the mind isn't a taste very much.
"4,000 people?That she still has many people …… even beat those enemies who bear arms with the farm implements however?"Summer Si wood a return to the cruelty of battlefield to almost compare a Lun shell the Si once had it but all and, that Mian Tian in the peacetime feels ashamed of the youth early didn't know to hide there to go.
Summer Si wood is on waving hand to positively refuse a claim like this, because he anticipates Ao especially the fortress of Wei Ci have already not and far leave to reply to had no.
Evening nearly, east Fan Si Ta fourth army corps at city head paid 1,500 people die or injure of the price finally rushed through exhausted enemy's soldier back inside the city, be attacked and occupied along with the city gate, city outside surplus of four army corps once 4,000 people flow out and go into, already prepare to feel the Ao that the city falls the Wei Ci fortress soldier especially at despairing street fighting in continuously get a main official residence direction to shrink back toward the center, and same time, west guarding of noodles the soldier finally also can not hold against and also give up city to defend in the one clarion call, all turtles retract inside the city launch the street fighting defense of second stage.
In the Ao especially western street area in the Wei Ci fortress city up, about 3,000 of silver wolf government troops just such as dump one of street glues dense blue and black liquid to slowly flow to drip toward the city central direction, but at on all sides, the miscellaneous color of innumerable equips of local fielding soldier or civilians armed at die the life ground headway that impedes silver wolf government troops.
"A kind of insect beautiful general you, the brigade is been armed to lay siege to by a group of civilian in the 313th!"
"A kind of insect beautiful general you, the brigade is been armed to lay siege to by a group of civilian in the 132th!"
Continue continuous peculiar military situation since the on all sides street uploaded, the young girl none of general knew exactly still had a regular fielding soldier inside the city in nowadays, how on all sides found out under whole civilians who is those, but the fieldings soldiers of the region dare to impede of however only several 100 people.
"You of the general ……" the military officer on all sides an is utterly exhausted, however look don't is to fight the causable, sank into more a certain hesitant and timid.
"Depriving their is armed …… dare …… dare to continue to resist …… chase they be regular fielding soldier ……" a kind of insect is in fearly beautiful dodge wear the vision of subordinate, the difficulties underground reached an order.
The explicit order finally no longer lets these front the slave is from of silver wolf government troops hesitant, under the conductor of military officer, the silver wolf government troopses with win brigade scale of the phalanx beginning gather to push forward on the street, all enemies who presume countercheck are without remorse chopped down to kill, even arrived afterwards, as long as seeing a person who take the weapon, almost one of need not hello kills in fighting on the spot.
When the whole city has already had to be depended on torch to illuminate, the last silk shouts to kill a voice to finally disappear.
About 20,000 people Ao of front and back organization especially the Wei Ci fielding soldier in addition to 4,000 regular fielding soldiers at end surrender with 6,000 much temporary civilian armed quilt captive, be up to 10,000 people to die in battle within a day, the wounded soldier is only a few, among them half the number above is civilian armed.To the Ao especially the Wei Ci gets lord sea the Mu ascend especially why will thus and high-efficiencily launch manpower, until the fourth army corps attacked and occupied to get lord official residence just know true facts, originally the sea Mu ascends to take into custody amount several thousand residents' womenfolk of a families inside the cities especially and threatens citizen to carry on an all war.
Have already been broken shapeless get a lord of inside the official residence, the summer Si wood finally loosens tone and is satisfied with that the ground sits fore captive, who get to looking at to deliver in the main office, among them before having Ao especially the getting of the fortress of Wei Ci is main the sea Mu ascend especially.
"The sea Mu ascends adult especially, somehow Chris, Ms. Ting, once helped you on the whole as well before, but did you treat my silver wolf thus?"Summer Si Lin Yin wears a face, the tone was full of murderous look.
"You of the general …… I …… I am also helpless …… Kai boon Si empire the emperor give us the secretly write in these cities, if we not and associately deal with virtuous fortress of sea and silver wolf, the empire will deal with us, empire and Si gave a gram of Kingdom to constitute allied troops now, who is an opponent ……" sea Mu ascends especially sigh tone, mean to wish wager to concede defeat, just eyes inside still the Shan wear a deeply malicious idea, don't know to is to hate silver wolf and still hate back of supporter Kai boon the Si empire and Si give a gram of Kingdom.
"In fact I early give you well versed lead, the our army just goes up north to support sea virtuous fortress, don't crave for your territory ……"
"Joke, sea will the virtuous fortress pass me?Man Nuo Lai the contract held up allied troops to take the offensive, connected down and then will annex by force us, this just sooner or later of affair!"The sea Mu ascends to display a farsighted political taste that gets a lord especially, connect summer Si wood to have to admit this fact, either.
"Go, the sea Mu ascended adult especially, Ao especially the Wei Ci fortress territory have been nonexistent, I think that the territory that you are so not stubborn and want with you replies to have no together?"The summer Si wood smiles order subordinate to release an old man and simultaneously and secretly looking at the expression of eyes of the other party.
"What purpose do you have?"The sea Mu ascended to thought of his/her own wife and children especially, have to let go of shelf.
"Before Ao especially the fortress of Wei Ci got the main identity persuaded Ao diagram the tile pulled the castellan of fortress to surrender, successful of words, I could represent the Lun shell Si general and Chris, Ms. Ting, to arrange you to the city of south to is city to guard!"Summer Si Lin Pao Chu condition.
The sea Mu ascended to sink in to contemplate especially, because he knows his own the territory that the territory has already become silver wolf, and oneself at defend city of some iron blood order, his popular support has already been as low as on this land a little bit lowest.In fact give silver wolf's at that moment belonging to quite good, sea Mu's ascending a sudden flash across in the brain is especially this mind.
Just while considering, sees the office front door bang ground be bumped all of a sudden to open, a young girl took an officer a flock of totally embarassed military officer to walk to come in.
"~~!"A kind of insect is beautiful to finally cannot help but, like forty start vomiting while throwing down helmet, after death and the seventh the army corps military officers facial expression isn't good-looking either,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, just because the man naturally has a resistibility to some appearances and just is unlikely to express and their army corps long reaction like that.
While just cleaning up battlefield, from tore to kill a kind of insect that the medium liberation opens beautiful this just drive one of street bloody appearance shocked, all of those corpses great majorities that pile up to prepare to deliver the city burn aren't civilians, do lack old man and boy among them, receive mandatory silver wolf government troops with the combats of vent type the Ao that these are forced to battle especially Wei Ci fortress the citizen all without remorse chop down dead on the ground, the blood mixs the dust on the street to go thick but glue a dense carpet, many silver wolves soldier all professional walk of time slip and fall down.
City of bloody battle out a war have already made a kind of insect beautiful to sink into a certain nervous breakdown, the massacre type in the city pushes forward to more let her like have evil-foreboding dream.But take the offensive combat for a day, a kind of insect beautifully and the seventh army corps only fall in action a number exceed 1,200 people, wound to reach to Gao more 2,000, compare with fourth army corps dead and injured total amount just 2,000, the seventh regiment soldier in fact has already lost fighting strength.
"Divided too much …… isn't all person …… they are to have no the devil of soul ……" a kind of insect is beautiful to have already could not vomited thing, but still still just dry Ou, the facial expression is pale have no blood-red color, the beautiful face even still appears frightened medium of have muscular spasms, "why want to impede my headway, in fact I don't want to kill theirs …… blare~~~"
Finish saying, body in a flash, be all departments Related articles:

