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What and pulled out the sword is heard ,and the movements are loopholes appear one after another ,if he could muster up the courage to fight a fight ,might get a life .relationresultAnswer blows with blows,an eye for an eye ,most with pride to ninja blade to mercilessly retaliate their excitement ,Li Weizheng rushed in ,SG-552 grab in front of him to speak, Kawaguchi Ninja riddled like fall ,Li Wei only cut fly the ninja in the hands of the samurai sword .
relationresultMoroselooking back to Liu minister ,Li Wei upset at him and shouted: why I business ~ , relationresultComrade Li Wei !~ this ,this ,can kill the enemy line, why get so complicated ,US Route eight is a disciplined army ,and not the children fight .
Liu minister complicated said ,he looked at Li Wei with a samurai sword rushed to Chop Ninja ,heart suddenly a when the industry minister ashamed feeling ,this hand underneath what is ah ,he even associate with yellow Yadong Arsenal can develop so well where is the reason ,is full of shit transport ,lots of shit unfortunately piled up ,Li Wei played the people do not dare to think of the abnormal thinking to get out ,no wonder that this guy behavior, there are different from ordinary people ,superior leadership is really brilliant ,sent his this expert to pull chaos anyway ,or after Arsenal also does not know to develop into what look like .
relationresultGasgot teeth itch scratching around the Li Wei with samurai sword with the edge of beautiful flowers and plants .,also do not know how many innocent plant hurt .relationresultGoing tocheck Li Wei shot to the leg of the militia commander ,suddenly ,a dark figure holding a long string to swing out from the woods ,hand alignment of Liu minister is a gun .
relationresultHear the windLi Wei still think there is a hidden deep ninja ,actually has no movement at the peer is destroyed ,in their attention most relaxing time gave them the cold .
relationresultNeverthink ,Li Wei did not hesitate to stop in Liu long ,cut the air bullet on his waist to burst open a small hole ,Li Wei made no screaming ,it is eye shot ,touched the place ,suddenly tragic call up : Oh ,my Nokia ,fuck ,small devil, I love you .
Li Wei holding samurai sword fling caution to the winds toward the pulling rope rapidly swings over ninja .relationresultThismade Liu minister and another guard soldier some angry, the Li Wei is iron man does not become ,in a shot just uttered a scream ,and then had to rush and enemy knife fight ?The boy is a monster !No !~ , relationresultPerhapsdisdain to use a pistol ,see Li Wei also waving samurai sword rushed ,the Ninja play samurai sword from the air with the knife struck out , relationresultWhena loud ,harsh noise ,tests all the eardrum ,Li Wei and the Ninja two handle samurai sword hard hit together ,two people at the same time was the notched knife .
relationresultThe otheris to store enough power from the rope swing ,the impact force is far better than Li Wei, Li Wei could not withstand the impact ,flew out ,Facebook,first encounter will suffer .
relationresultRolling on the floorof the confused and disoriented ,Li Wei managed to struggle up .relationresultMay I haveyour name, please,cnn? My hands ,leaving no nameless ghost . The Ninja standing mountain ,one-handed helical holding samurai sword cold to Li Wei and said .
relationresultTwo days you sir! ~ Li Wei hate hate to scold a way ,that it can be hard to hit him ,hit straight hand hemp ,but ninja blade leathery is beyond his contrary to expectation .
relationresultYou two ,Chinese people how you take such a strange name ,like is large and the name is a bit like ,my name is Kudo Ichi ,a new stream of forbearance, remember my name ,don King Yama I killed you .
Chinese is not very clearly through Ninja strange road .relationresultFuck your grandma ,you is the day you two man !~ you small Japan is the day you two man !~ Li Wei thought the other is intentionally tease him ,furious cuss ,really do not know if this is how to learn the Chinese * * * ninja .
relationresultI donre called fuck your grandma or you call on two man in any case ,today you are to die ,you are the first one . The same thought Li Wei was teasing his Koga stream could Kudo Ichi tone more Sen cold .
relationresultDie !~ Kudo Ichi thin shape sharp flash ,turned into a ghost to Li wei .relationresultThe limbsare waste ,were thrown into the side of the crater Kudo on the tolerance on the tolerance of kill ,rejoicing, straight shouting: China boy ,and die, you definitely not the Lord Kudo opponent ,ha ha ha ,google,Kudo on the tolerance of adults ,take care of them, don kill ,I want to play death they woo !~ not arrogant several body is injured ,on the edge of inserting a samurai sword Guard soldiers with his rifle to give him all of a sudden ,caught him smashing a faint ,feeble.
Guard soldiers replied : Hey ,shut up ,you die is the first scapegoat . , relationresultLi Weilooked at ,this guy really bad something ,a bite, listen to the wind ,dance with samurai sword spread all across in confusion to the hackle dashed over Kudo Ichi .
relationresultOnlya few samurai sword strike sound heard voices ,Li Wei feels it to upload a strong shock feeling ,almost can not hold a samurai sword ,suddenly a chest pain ,foot hard step on his chest ,was a subsidiary of great power to hit Li Weifei up .
relationresultKudoone like is not heard pass can shout ,his only in the eyes of Li Wei ,the figure floating down Li wei .relationresultOnly feelsaw stars ,but Li Weiren spit blood ,with a samurai sword managed to stand up, shook the fainting head ,said: you are I ?! just to forbearance that dish ,you should be up and hold it ,you dare to cheat! ~ , relationresultWhich mud ( what ) ?The garbage can be compared to me, I am truly forbearance, they just hung on the tolerance of names ,the real strength even can not ,really do not know who can flow through the elders is how to make their trials ,nonsense ,we continue !~ Kudo one with Japanese anger ,did not think this guy had been able to stand up again, originally thought that his foot is enough to make him hurt not to have, but that just spit blood only, this kid tough to his contrary to expectation .
relationresultThe twenty-ninth Festival , relationresultDay !~ really forbearance !~ mother ,not good today really want to hang around here !~ in Li Wei heart began trembling, since consciousness can after reading a book ,she has not enough to eat enough to play ,but also be rather baffling to Anti-Japanese War not half hang up ,like a lot of small said fantasy the main characters are not so bad .
relationresultIn order to notashamed to die ,Li Wei highly refined spirit ,tightly locking ran out Kudo Ichi ,both hands holds the knife oblique refers to the ground ,ready to erupt powerful strength ,on the Ninja fiction TV to see many ,Li Wei knows that Ninja characteristics, implicit forbear, tough ,killing blow .
relationresultLi Weihad made up his mind even if they die do not make each other better ,on the tolerance of Kudo Ichi to Li Wei enormous pressure instead prompted Chinese courage, fling caution to the winds die pinch !~ not a casual shoot two ,it has earned .
relationresultAbandoned all thedistracting thoughts of Li Wei ,like forget physical pain in the limbs ,to emit cool feeling ,the mind is very clear ,but on Kudo Ichi every move has not fallen in his eyes .
relationresultChange unpredictablysamurai sword with patches of knife to Li Wei ,Li Wei did not hesitate, in the hands of the blade outward, with back to back to take Kudo Ichi out .relationresultBothno flowers fake recklessly down ,just not as Li Wei expected the other knife is not provoked ,but ran down his knife to his neck . Related articles:

